West Coast Family Chiropractic in Perth

West Coast Family Chiropractic in Perth
"Over 25 years of combined experience..."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Five Benefits to Chiropractic Instrument Adjusting

Instrument adjusting has always played a significant role in my practice since I began in 1996. It enabled me to treat individuals that perhaps were not candidates for more traditional manual chiropractic adjusting methods, or people who preferred a different approach to correcting a problem. As a result of seeing families, athletes, geriatrics and infants for a variety of reasons, you can imagine the range of problems people might present with. Often times the most significant improvements are seen in people who are in their late eighties and some patients even in their nineties. Its a great feeling when you are able to provide a service to these people and see clinically measurable changes not only in the range of movement, strength, flexibility and comfort, but when those changes occur its amazing to see how they change all the way around in their personality and well being.
The instrument that I have come to use and recognize as a leader in the chiropractic profession in the instrument adjusting area is the Arthrostim Instrument from Impac. There are five main reasons that I incorporate instrument adjusting into my practice and also the benefits I believe it provides to my clients.
Safe and Gentle The instrument settings allow me to control the amount of force utilised for the adjustment. When there is a mis-alignment in the spinal bones or other joints, interfering with normal function and health, the adjustment can be delivered to the specific area, with a controlled amount of force. The Arthrostim can deliver these gentle percussive taps at approximately 12-14 cycles per second. Therefore, the adjustment can be delivered without the use of a more physical manual type of adjustment, and the cracking or popping that may accompany it. Seniors and infants tend to enjoy this type of instrument adjusting the most, as it is very gentle, safe and effective. With different force settings, different tips for the instrument, the instrument can be used on all ages or with people who suffer from special conditions that make them more fragile to care.
Seated Adjusting Positions The different stylus tips, and settings and versatility of the hand held instrument itself make it easy to be able to adjust people in either the prone or seated positions. Shoulder injuries, thoracic or rib problems, lower cervical problems can all be adjusted comfortably in the seated position. This is especially conducive to elderly people who may have trouble with their balance or vertigo going into a prone position on the adjusting table.
Specific Corrections When delivering a chiropractic adjustment it is imperative to have the maximum specificity to the adjustment. The more specific the contact to the area and the more specific the thrust delivered to the contact area the faster the results and the longer they are maintained. And often times when the contact is very specific the amount of force required to make a correction is very minimal and gentle.
Enhanced Neurological Response The Arthrostim Instrument works on the principle of neurological feedback. Similar to having your knee tapped with a reflex hammer and having your foot kick outward as a result, the instrument has a similar effect on the spinal joints and other joints through a proprioceptive (sensory) receptor called the Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO). For the purposes of this article we will give a general overview of what may be happening. When there is force generated in the muscles surrounding the joint, nerve impulses are sent through the spinal cord to the brain cerebellum and cerebral cortex. The ascending or afferent (sensory) pathways to the cerebellum are the dorsal and ventral spinocerebellar tracts. They are involved in the cerebellar regulation of movement. So the more the instrument is able to specifically thrust multiple cycles, this sends multiple signals to the brain stimulating these movement pathways.
Adjustments in Motion Several types of problems may require to be adjusted while in motion to gain the maximum benefit. An example of this may be a person who has an elbow or shoulder problem, or a lower lumbar (back) misalignment with scar tissue or adhesions around the affected area. An effective way of using the instrument to maximise the results of the adjustment is to adjust the involved area while moving. For example I may have the person bend their arm back and forth moving the elbow joint as I deliver the thrusts, or have a person gently turn their head right and left as I use the instrument on the lower cervical (neck) misalignment, or walking on the spot for a lower lumbar problem. Often times I may see an increased range of motion from 50% to 80-90% just by having the person move their chin side to side as I adjust them. The instrument is able to mobilise the neck vertebrae, break up any muscle spasm and effectively the inflammation may start to dissipate. This may also help to reduce the pain quickly and get that person back on to the road of health again.
Some of the conditions that I have seen the greatest response from the Arthrostim Instrument include:
• Back pain
• Neck pain
• Sciatica
• Pain between the shoulders
• Leg pain
• Shoulder and arm pain to just name a few
The Arthrostim Instrument produces an average of twelve thrusts a second. This known as the low beta somatomotor rhythm frequency, this is what sets the Arthrostim instrument apart from the other chiropractic adjusting instruments.The Arthrostim's multiple thrust is two to three times the rate of other multiple thrust instruments. The rapid thrust ability of the instrument bombards the target area with specific adjusting energy and force. The adjustment continues to stimulate the area through the joint to the surrounding soft tissues and nerves. This extra stimulus may also release trigger points muscle spam and help reduce inflammation, providing relief and longer lasting corrections. Patients typically may notice a positive difference with the first treatment.
This article is meant as a general overview of some of the benefits people have experienced as a result of the Arthrostim Instrument adjusting in my chiropractic practice. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. It is my goal for the public to better understand their health and general well-being. I urge you to consult with a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and for treatment answers to your individual health questions.

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