West Coast Family Chiropractic in Perth

West Coast Family Chiropractic in Perth
"Over 25 years of combined experience..."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Turbo Charge Your Stretching To Relieve Back Pain

Try these three extremely effective and quick exercises to decrease your middle and upper back pain. Better yet, you can do them at home, and it just takes a few minutes.

Almost everyone has back pain at some point. If you constantly bend and twist, you are constantly at risk of hurting your back. Therefore, if you do have to bend or twist, make sure you're doing so properly. You should also be aware that there are lots of different kinds of exercises that you can do so that if you do have back pain, you can get rid of it. When you do these exercises, you should feel better very quickly. However, do go see your doctor if you have severe pain, and don't do these exercises until your doctor says it's fine.

The first exercise that can help you with your middle or upper back pain involves your hamstrings. Hamstring stretches actually do help your back, even though that might not make sense. Why? Because everything in your body is connected to something else, and if you have tight hamstrings, this can make you have a tight back, too. And if a tight back is allowed to continue, you could eventually have back pain because of it. So, stretch your hamstrings by standing up, bending your knees just slightly, and then bending over to touch your toes. More than likely, you're not going to be able to touch your toes, but if you try to do so every time you do this, you should see that you get farther every time you try.

Next, try this exercise for middle upper back pain, called the "cat stretch." With this particular type of stretch, you stretch your back. Get on the floor, on all fours, and position your hands and knees as though you're simply going to crawl. Keep your hands and knees in place, and then just lean back. Look at your dog or cat sometime when he or she stretches. This stretch should look like that for you. When you do this "cat stretch," you're stretching your back muscles. This will make your back less tight, which will alleviate pain.

You can also strengthen your back to alleviate back pain, and because of that, you should do some strengthening exercises, too. Most people injure their backs because their backs are either weak, tight, or both. Your lower back is usually going to give you the most problems. First, try doing something called the "Superman." Lie flat on the floor, face down, and lift your back, stretching your legs and arms out behind you at the same time, and keeping them straight and "pulling back." Hold this position for a few seconds, and then return to starting position. These and other exercises can most certainly help decrease middle and upper back pain.

These exercises are simple but very effective, and they can be beneficial right now. In no time, your middle or upper back pain could be a distant memory. Do these exercises to enjoy the quality of life you've been missing.

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Be well!

Dr. Stacey Burke and Dr. Eric Brukwinski

Doctors of Chiropractic

West Coast Family Chiropractic
22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, WA 6025, AUSTRALIA
(08) 9402 8845

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Extreme Back Pain!

Chiropractic May Help Adults Suffering From Attention Deficit

A pilot study, published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research  suggests that chiropractic care may help adults suffering from concentration problems and attention deficit (ADD/ADHD). The study was performed by Yannick Pauli, DC, director of the "Centre Wellness NeuroFit" in Lausanne, Switzerland. Dr. Pauli is a chiropractor specializing in wellness neurology.
"In this pilot study, we used objective outcome measures to evaluate attention in nine adult patients before and after two months of wellness chiropractic care. All patients experienced significant improvement in concentration and 88% normalized parts of the test," explained Dr. Pauli. "Although the results are preliminary and more research is needed, the outcome of the study suggests that patients suffering from attention deficit benefited from chiropractic care."
Research has shown that the ability to concentrate is affected in a number of disorders such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), traumatic brain injuries, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
In the United States, between 1-6 percent of adults and 3-10 percent of children suffer from ADHD. Problems with attention go far beyond the ability to concentrate. Epidemiological studies have shown that individuals suffering from ADHD suffer greater risks associated with daily living such as higher rates of car accidents, increased risk of substance abuse, greater risk of failing school, increased likelihood of divorce and even greater difficulty managing money.
According to Pauli, concentration problems affect all parts of our life and even possibly our ability to heal. Although most people think of attention as the ability to focus on the external world only, new health paradigms indicate that we can direct our attention inward as well.  The clinical experience of Pauli and his colleagues suggests that our ability to heal is highly dependent upon the ability of our brain to pay attention to what is going in the body.
"Studies done with people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that those patients suffer when parts of their brain become deactivated, such as the prefrontal cortex, while others become hyperfunctioning," Pauli noted." Our hypothesis is that this leads to an inability for the brain to pay attention to the body's internal processes, resulting in decreased body awareness and decreased ability to access healing resources. Our study is part of a first attempt to document whether chiropractic care could be helpful to improve attention, and therefore all areas of life that are dependent upon this crucial cognitive function."
Usually, attention deficit is a clinical diagnosis. But to avoid potential subjectivity, Pauli used an objective measure of attention, called a continuous performance test. "It is a computer-based evaluation that objectively measures various parameters of attention" he explained. "This system is also used by some neurologists and psychiatrists to find the exact dosage of medication they are going to prescribe for attention deficit sufferers. Our preliminary results suggest that attention can be improved naturally with chiropractic."
The connection between attention, a process occurring in the brain, and chiropractic, which is generally associated with spinal health, is not readily obvious to most people. Yet, the research emphasizes the direct link between the spine and brain activity.
"As a chiropractor specializing in wellness neurology, I understand that the spine is as much about neurology as it is about biomechanics" Pauli states.
The articulations and the muscles of the spine are rich in mechanoreceptors, which are sensors that send information to the nerve system. "Each time we work with the spine, we activate neurological circuits in the direction of the brain and bring the nerve system into balance," the researcher says.
Pauli also notes that chiropractors affect, in particular, a small part at the back of the brain called the cerebellum. Studies have shown that this structure is involved in attention. "Higher parts of the brain are also dependent upon the proper balance and function in the cerebellum," he elaborated. "If the cerebellum does not function at par, the rest of the brain becomes somewhat clumsy and by activating the spinal receptors and balancing the cerebellum, we help the brain function better."
According to Matthew McCoy, DC, editor of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, "this preliminary study is exciting. It is part of an increasing amount of research suggesting that chiropractic care may be an effective natural choice for people suffering from ADD/ADHD. It offers the possibility of a new option for millions of children and adults that are seeking to manage their conditions naturally."
The Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to subluxation-centered chiropractic research and is affiliated with the World Chiropractic Alliance, an international organization representing doctors of chiropractic and promoting the traditional, drug-free and wellness-oriented form of chiropractic.
For an abstract of this research, or for more information about JVSR, visit www.jvsr.com.

The following article: Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Adults and Children can help to answer some of those questions
for you. You can read it here: Chiropractic Care Safe For Adults and Children

Call our office today in order to set up you or your child's
complimentary evaluation. For a limited time, you can find a
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Be well! 

 Dr. Eric Brukwinski and Dr. Stacey Burke 
Doctors of Chiropractic  West Coast Family Chiropractic
22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, WA 6025,
(08) 9402 8845

Monday, May 31, 2010

10 Great Strategies For Improving Your Back Pain!

We all experience some sort of back pain at one point in our lives; in fact, about 30 million Americans suffer from back pain regularly! For many, these pains are indicative of larger health problems - from sciatica to multiple sclerosis. Fortunately, for most of us a few healthy tips and tricks can keep our backs healthy and back pain at bay for a long time.
1.      Improve your posture - Your Mother was right when she said "sit up straight!" Hunching over causes undue stress on your back and neck which leads to back pain and headaches.
2.      Exercise - Cardio and strength training keeps your back strong and the muscles that support it limber. When the supporting muscle groups are healthy and in shape, that leads to less strain and pressure on your vertebrae and fewer backaches. Many people are unaware of how important the abdominal and lateral muscles (core muscles) are in keeping your back healthy - if some muscles groups are weak, your back will have to do the work of several body parts. This double duty can cause damage over the long term.
3.      Fix your chair - Lumbar support is especially important for those of you working in office conditions where you remain seated for hours at a time. It is also key to adjust your chair to the right height: a.) Make sure you are eye level with your computer screen, not arching your neck to peer down b.) Your elbows should form a 90 degree angle with your desk c.) Your knees should be at a 90 degree angle from your chair to the floor d.) The chair should not be too high or too low as to be difficult to sit in or get up from e.) Make sure you have lumbar support for the arch of your lower back; selecting a lumbar brace is a good way to guarantee structural support as you are seated
4.      Lifting and Loading - Many people make the mistake of bending from their back/hips while picking up boxes or other items. Be sure to bend your knees when picking things up so your knees bear the weight. This is one of the most common and avoidable injuries to your back! Just remember: Bend at the knees, not at the back!
5.      Sleeping situations - Each of us has different requirements for our bodies. Some people with back problems need very firm mattresses; others need a specific type of pillow for neck support. Be sure to talk to your doctor or a specialist about your particular conditions and pains to find the correct mattress and pillows to give you the support and rest you deserve! Most people benefit from a medium firm mattress that minimizes curvature in the spine.
6.      Check your feet - Flat footedness is a common and often unnoticed cause of back pain, if you are dealing with back pains, problems walking upstairs or knee or leg pains, talk to a doctor about getting fitted for orthotic insoles. Additionally, always wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes as poorly constructed or very high heeled shoes add strain on your back.
7.      Stop smoking - Smoking cigarettes impairs blood flow and blood transports oxygen throughout our bodies. When your blood flow is impaired, oxygen and nutrients cannot reach the spinal tissue it supports.
8.      Relax - Stress tenses muscles in your body and prolonged tension can cause pain. Release muscle tightness and stress by exercising, going on a walk or taking a soothing bath!
9.      Get a massage - Different massages exist to focus on different issues, but they will all relax and de-stress you as well as loosen key muscles groups that may have been tense or tightened.
10.  Avoid sitting for long hours - Walking and lying horizontally are the activities that put the least amount of pressure on the spring (standing is third and sitting is in fourth, the worst for spines).
If you are experiencing pain and it's beginning to be a major problem for you, then make sure     you get one of  our special DISCOUNT OFFICE VISIT coupons on our website that you can       download. Perhaps Chiropractic care may benefit you.
Download the Office Visit Coupon Here: Office Visit Coupon
Yours for Best Health!
Dr. Stacey Burke and Dr. Eric Brukwinski 
Doctors of Chiropractic
West Coast Family Chiropractic
22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, WA 6025, 
(08) 9402 8845

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chiropractic Helps More Than Pain!

"Over and over research is proving that chiropractic care has the ability to positively affect body function on a far greater level than simple pain relief" 

A recent study looking into the positve effects of a Chiropractic adjustment in overall brain function found that there was more than just a mechanical relief of pain to be had. 
Alpha waves, one of the four primary frequencies was found to be increased after a chiropractic adjustment. They are responsible for relaxation health and healing. Mechanoreceptors are nerve endings in the joints. The greatest amount of input into the cerebellum comes from the stimulation of these nerve fibers. Movement stimulates the brain!

We've written a really cool article called: Common Misconceptions On Chiropractic Care. Make sure you go read it here: Common Misconceptions On Chiropractic Care
And... If you are experiencing pain and it's beginning to be a major problem for you, then make sure you get one of our special DISCOUNT OFFICE VISIT coupons on our website that you can download. 

 Download the Office Visit Coupon Here: Office Visit Coupon

Remember, we're here to help so don't be a stranger! 

 Dr. Stacey Burke and Dr. Eric Brukwinski
 Doctors of Chiropractic 
 22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, 
(08) 9402 8845

Low Back Pain

Low back pain can be the result of many many events. It can be a work related injury, an automobile accident or bending over to pick up a child or a piece of paper. Regardless of the cause, chiropractic can really help. By performing a complete physical exam and some diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, an accurate diagnosis can be achieved. It is then that the course of treatment is decided.
Office workers are just as likely to suffer from low back pain as an athlete is. While the cause of the pain for an office worker may be the chair they are sitting in or the posture they must practice while working on a computer, the athlete may be hurting due to the impact of their running on hard surfaces in improper shoes. It doesn't matter where or when it happened, what matters is the ability to do something about it.
At any time, over thirty million people in the United States are experiencing some level of back pain. It is the most common complaint of patients who consult with a chiropractor. By using controlled evidence based adjusting procedures, the chiropractor can get the spine in proper alignment and the results can be felt much sooner than the numbing effects of muscle relaxants or narcotics. By educating the patient on proper ergonomic techniques, further injury may well be prevented. One of the many goals of the chiropractor is education.
This education can be as simple as teaching posture or stretching techniques. A client can be taught how to perform the proper exercise without expensive equipment. Using a treadmill on a constant basis can cause injury from the impact just as easily as running a mile. By learning techniques the tread mill user can prevent or lessen the possibility of injuries on a daily basis.
Chiropractors do not use only manipulation as treatment. Ultra-sound, ice, heat and other modalities are also used. It depends on the cause and the severity of the pain. A simple regimen of exercise along with routine visits to the chiropractor could aid in living a healthier pain free life. Chiropractors have also become the first choice of many who have low back pain because of the successful treatment that you can receive. A qualified Doctor of Chiropractic will refer you to a medical doctor if there is any doubt that your mode of treatment exceeds his/her expertise. It just makes sense to begin low back pain care with a conservative method than jumping into care that can further impair your daily activities to a point of missing work for a longer period or not being able to perform common tasks around your home.


If you are experiencing pain and it's beginning to be a major
problem for you, then make sure you get one of our special DISCOUNT
OFFICE VISIT coupons on our website that you can download.

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Dr. Stacey Burke and Dr. Eric Brukwinski
Doctors of Chiropractic

West Coast Family Chiropractic, 22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, WA 6025, AUSTRALIA
 (08) 9402 8845