West Coast Family Chiropractic in Perth

West Coast Family Chiropractic in Perth
"Over 25 years of combined experience..."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shoulder Pain: Why Does My Shoulder Hurt?

Shoulder pain is one of the most common problems that brings a person to a Chiropractor's office. Hillarys Chiropractor Stacey Burke discusses three common types of shoulder pain and how chiropractic can help.

The shoulder joint is the region of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula, and the supporting muscles.
Painful shoulder problems are one of the most common reasons for chiropractic visits for musculoskeletal symptoms. The shoulder has the most movement of the major joints in the body. On the flipside, because of this large range of motion, it is relatively unstable and easily subject to injury. The head of the humerus (ball) is larger than the socket of the shoulder joint that holds it. To stabilise the shoulder joint, the muscles, tendons and ligaments anchor the bones of the joint together. Overuse injuries, degenerative changes and lack of use or movement can all contribute to tissue breakdown, loss of function and disruption to the supporting musculature.

The shoulder is comprised of three osseus structures: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as the supporting musculature, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints. The muscle groups and tendons that stabilise the shoulder are called the "rotator cuff." These muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis, they hold the humerus (ball) in the glenoid fossa (socket).

There are many types of shoulder conditions, for the purposes of this article, are aim is to give a broad overview of three different types and how Chiropractic care may improve the health and function of the shoulder region.

Some indications that you may be experienceing a shoulder problem or shoulder pain and need further examination include: the inability to carry objects or use your arm without pain, pain while sleeping or at rest, pain that is ongoing and lasts more than a few days, unable to lift your arm, sweeling or bruising around the shoulder area, redness, joint size changes or other obvious unusual changes to the shoulder area. The pain can be local and just in and around the shoulder joint, or it may be referred and going down the arm and possibly into the hand, or into the middle back and lower neck area. Sometimes gallbladder, liver or heart disease, or cervical spine disease can all cause referred pain into the shoulder through the various nerve pathways. However, shoulder blade pain or scapula pain have a higher probability of the problem coming from the cervical spine.

A comprehensive evaluation that would include a personal history, a complete physical examination, orthopedic and neurological examination and if required xrays and possibly advanced imaging to determine the exact cause of the pain. If there is a tear, it most likely could be in one of the tendons of the rotator cuff, occasionally a tear may occur in one of the rotator cuff muscles . The supraspinatus tendon is the most commonly torn rotator cuff tendon.
The orthopedic tests can help determine or isolate which tendon or tendons and muscles (in a severe injury) may be injured.
Some of the shoulder pain conditions that I see in my office are arthritis, referred pain second to cervical disc degeneration and frozen shoulder. On rare occassion, shoulder pain may be caused by some form of pathology or tumour inside the body.

Arthritic shoulder pain is not as common as the other types. It is usually progressive and develops slowly over time. The shoulder joint area may have tenderness, swelling and stiffness when aggravated. The shoulder joint can be affected by both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Degeneration in the joint, or "wear and tear," is a progressive wearing away of the cartilage on the boney surfaces of the joint, exposing bare bone. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a systemic condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the joints. This inflammation can, over time, invade and destroy the cartilage and bone. Gentle chiropractic mobilisation of the shoulder and spine, accompanied with stretching and strengthening of the muscles around the shoulder joint may help with the inflammation improve function of the shoulder joint. Maintaining strength in the shoulder muscles may prevent further atrophy of the muscles, and possibly slow down any further degenerative changes. In severe cases joint replacement surgery may be an option.

Neck Pain or Degeneration
Shoulder pain can happen as a result of degeneration in the cervical spine or injury to the neck or thoracic spine. Degenerative disks narrow the joint space between two vertebra, causing increased irritation and pinching on the nerves in the neck or middle back region. Those nerves leave the neck or upper back area and go into the shoulders and arms, or provide the nerve supply of muscles that are around the shoulder girdle. This type of damage can cause referred pain into the shoulder area. Sometimes shoulder pain is actually due to problems in your neck or a mixture of several different problems. Neck pain as a result degenerative change is relatively common. The pain may radiate, or spread, into the shoulder blade or down the arm. Patients may have an arm or shoulder complaint , such as pain or weakness, as the result of nerve root compression. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one type of advanced imaging to determine if the discs are injured or being encroached upon. Symptoms may include neck pain, pain around the back of the shoulder blades, arm complaints such as pain, numbness, or weakness, and rarely, difficulty with hand dexterity or walking. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease provides good to excellent results in over 75% of patients. A multi-disciplinary approach includes: Chiropractic adjustments which can be useful in decreasing muscle spasms and improving mobility. Heat, and exercise may also have benefit in improving function and stabilising the degenerative area. In severe cases surgery may be an option.

Frozen Shoulder
The proper term for Frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis. The shoulder capsule, and the connective tissue around the shoulder joint, inflame and become very stiff. The tissues then start to grow together forming abnormal tissue bands, called adhesions. These adhesions cause a reduced range of motion or movement and chronic pain. The pain is often felt deep in the shoulder joint and may be worse at night. The exact cause of frozen shoulder is still not certain. It can be very painful and disabling and patients are sometimes slow to recover. Chiropractic may have a few applications when it comes to frozen shoulder. It may be preventative, by maintaining mobility in the joint, as well as lifestyle modifications with a healthy diet and exeercise, that may decrease the likelihood of frozen shoulder occuring. Certain diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease can have an effect on joint mobility as they progress. If you are able to keep moving well, perhaps you will age well also. Chiropractic may help to stimulate physical health and may offset the common ailments that are often associated with aging. For treatment, chiropractors generally don't use anesthetics in treating frozen shoulder. Instead they employ a variety of techniques to manage the pain, and to restore range of motion and function in the shoulder. Chiropractors often use heat and cold to relieve pain and gentle chiropractic mobilisation of the shoulder and spine, accompanied with stretching and strengthening of the muscles around the shoulder.

This is a very general overview of three types of shoulder pain. Treatment varies from person to person and can involve any of the following: chiropractic, massage therapy and surgery in severe cases. Response to treatment and the length of time it can take, varies from person to person, depending on the level of damage. Chiropractic can be a safe, gentle and effective approach to helping with shoulder pain conditions. As with any type of health problem it is recommended to see your health care professional for a further in depth assessment and examination for a more accurate individual treatment recommendation.

Yours in health,
Dr. Stacey Burke and Dr. Eric Brukwinski
Doctors of Chiropractic
West Coast Family Chiropractic,
22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, WA 6025, AUSTRALIA
(08) 9402 8845

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Dangers of Dental Amalgam (Mercury poisoning, Silver fillings)

Millions of people have dental amalgam silver fillings implanted in their teeth. Dental amalgam is the most commonly used material to repair cavities. Amalgams are a mixture of the toxic metals mercury, zinc, tin and copper. Amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury and only 20 to 35% silver. Mercury is highly toxic and causes many health problems!

Mercury vapor escapes from amalgam fillings, is inhaled and swallowed. This causes low level mercury poisoning in the body. The amount of mercury in the brain is directly linked to the number and the size of amalgam fillings. Mercury passes through the placental barrier and even enters the mother's breast milk! Mercury affects the body chemistry and disrupts organs.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning include:
Auto-immune diseases, mental disorders, migraines, cancer, insomnia, arthritis, depression, oral lesions, infertility, birth defects, stomach pains, memory loss, autism, developmental disorders, ADHD, anxiety, mood changes, asthma, allergies, etc.

Dental amalgams were first introduced in 1833 but many dentists refused to implant them due to the mercury. In 1843, the American Society of Dental Surgeons declared the use of dental amalgam a malpractice(!) and forced its members to abstain from using amalgams.

Proponents of amalgam continued to claim that dental amalgam was safe because it was supposedly inert in the filling. Since dental amalgam was less expensive and easier to work with than gold fillings, it wasn't long before dental amalgam was routinely used by most dentists.

In 1926, Dr. Alfred Stock showed that mercury vapor escapes from amalgam fillings and that this could cause significant health damage. The American Dental Association (ADA) vigorously defended dental amalgams its widespread use was continued.

In 1986, the ADA finally admitted that mercury vapor escapes from the amalgam fillings but remained adamant that amalgams were safe, and in 1986 it changed its code of ethics, making it unethical for dentists to inform patients of the health risks of amalgams or to recommend removal of amalgams...

In 2008 the FDA admitted in 2008 that dental amalgam can cause health problems.

Norway, Denmark and Sweden have ended use of mercury fillings and many dental schools no longer teach mercury placement. Germany, Canada, and California require mercury toxicity warnings to be given to pregnant women.

Videos about Dental Amalgam:

There are healthier alternatives to dental amalgam such as composite resin (white) fillings, porcelain, and glass ionomers but make sure they don't contain added fluoride! Gold is not a healthy alternative as it will produce electrical currents within your mouth.

Improve your health by having your amalgam fillings removed!

Amalgam removal should be done SAFELY! Use a dentist who specializes in safe amalgam removal. Mercury vapor escapes during the removal process.
It is essential that you are protected!

Safely remove mercury and other metals from your body with Zeolite, a 100% natural mineral.

Don't use a dentist who still implants amalgam fillings in other patients as this causes second hand mercury vapor.

Mercury-free & mercury-safe dentists:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

More information about dental amalgam:

For all the Health Ranger videos search for: health4me

Yours in health,
Dr. Stacey Burke and Dr. Eric Brukwinski 
Doctors of Chiropractic
West Coast Family Chiropractic,
22 Banks Ave, Hillarys, WA 6025, AUSTRALIA 
(08) 9402 8845